Monday, July 6

Ariel Lin gets too into character and hurts her hand; SJ’s Donghae tenderly puts on a plaster for her,090706

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Ariel Lin, who is slated to release her first album on the 10th of this month, was filming her MV with popular Korean group Super Junior’s Donghae and Siwon earlier this month. When news of this spread, not only has enquiries about this song risen to a new high, preorders of her album have gone up accordingly as well.

This led Ariel to happily exclaim; “I can’t wait to share my music world with everyone!”

In , Ariel who is nicknamed “The Drama Queen”, got the chance to show off her acting chops. Not only did she do so, she was so into character that in one scene when she had to slam a door shut, she ended up hurting her hand.

Donghae, who was on the other side of the door, heard of it and immediately asked for a plaster from the stylist, and even helped her to put it on, making Ariel feel touched and grateful all at the same time.

Because they had to finish filming all of their scenes in one day, Ariel, Donghae and Siwon had to be up at 4 AM to allow shooting to proceed. They filmed from that morning all to the way till the next morning, and it even poured at the most crucial moment, making the co-workers happily exclaim, “The album will sell well!” **

From today onwards, will be broadcasted on all major Taiwanese media channels.

**This is based on the belief that one will strike it rich when they encounter water, or in this case, rain. Derived from the saying 「遇水則發」

Source: Yahoo! Taiwan
Translated by: hazel @
credit to:hazel @
sharing:enjelin@fb + Lychan HyunJaelee キンバリー

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