Monday, March 16

Children’s Generation: Gee-whiz!

Children's Generation Gee

What the hell is this? There's a group called Children's Generation (아이시대)? And they've already released a few albums?

This 5 toddler group, has recently released an album entitled "Bizarre Pop Parodies," and that title definitely suits this album well. But it gets even better, one of their main tracks is a cover of Girls' Generation's "Gee," and it's pretty damn horrible.

I understand toddlers don't have the best vocal abilities, but this is just horrendous. I'm guessing some may even smile and say "how cute," but let's be honest, these kids either need to shape up, or receive a few spankings. Only then can they be on par with the excellent vocals of the kids in that diaper commercial, you know the one where they go, "Mommy wow, I'm a big kid now, wow!"

Thanks to soohyun for the tip.

Children's Generation Gee

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