Saturday, March 21

Yuhki Kuramoto made a mini concert in WGM because of KangIn & Lee Yoonji,

Japanese famous pianist Yuhki Kuramoto has made a special appearance in MBC show "We got married"

Yuhki Kuramoto was in Korea for his concert to celebrate his 10th year anniversary debut in Korea and made a special appearance in MBC show "We got married" because of the college couple Kangin & Lee Yoonji.

Yuhki Kuramoto prepared a mini concert for the couple as a present as well as a surprising event was made by Kangin & the production team for Yoonji.

Yuhki Kuramoto said "I have heard about WGM in Japan. At first, I think that they will let the real couple appear, but it turns out that they invite Korean popular celebrities to make made-believe couples and it's quite interesting"

On that day, Lee Yoonji had been impressed by KangIn's surprising event and Yuhki Kuramoto's piano playing.

The WGM eps. with Yuhki Kuramoto's special appreance will be aired on April 5th

original article is here
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