Three Hour Special Will Be On Air On September 25th, 2009! TV Asahi:
Please Participate To Vote!! (*^o^*)//
[HQ] 090703 TVXQ MUSIC STATION - Stand by U
(YT: As tagged)
東方神起:04 The Secret Code:どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?
Dosite Kimio Sukininatte Shimatandaro:
(T/N: This is the song Bigeast wish us to vote with them @Music Station website.)
TV Asahi News:
On September 25th, 2009, Music Station will broadcast three hour Music Station special.
In this program, the national famous song of the BEST 100 will be broadcasted.
Let us vote for TVXQ together with the Bigeast.
Aim for Number ONE! YEAH!!
Bigeast asked us overseas fans to participate to vote for,
"Doshite Kimi Wo Sukini Natte Shimattan Daro", together with them.
I checked couple big TVXQ fan sites in Japan (with more than 10,000 members)
and as of now, around 100 people left their messages saying
that they are going to vote together with thier friends and families.
Here is the step by step procedure you can follow as it is all written in Japanese. ^^
Here it goes.
Please click below site:
Register to vote first:
ログイン名:Type your log in name:
6 to 10 letters in English or numbers.
パスワード:Pass word:
6-12 letters in English letters or numbers.
Re-type same password here:
メールアドレス(PC only): Mail address here.
Re-type same mail address here.
お名前(漢字): 姓:Last Name 名:First Name
Typing your name in English is fine, but then if you wish to type in Japanese, please do so. ^^
誕生日: Birthday: Example: 1980 5 5
If your birth day is May 5th, just type number 5 and then 5 again.
リマインダ (質問):Reminder Question:
Type in whatever question you come up with,
for example, your favorite food etc. Typing in English is no problem.
リマインダ (回答):Reminder Answer:
Type in an answer to your reminder question here: Typing in English is no problem.
In the bottom of this column, there are words below. Please skip these for now.
And proceed to the second questions below on the same page.
必ずお読みください tv asahi id利用規約
.:.: 戻る 規約に同意して登録する:.:.
This column is for the commercial use. So no need to fill in all of your info here.
There are three parts which ask you to make your choices.
The third question from the top:
性別:Gender: 男性:Male 女性:Female
(Click the circle in front of the word which writes, 女性:Female if you are female.)
The third question from the bottom:
お知らせメール:Information mail from TV Asahi:
Please click the check mark to stop from TV asahi to send commercial mails to your account.
But if you wish to receive the mails from them, no need to click the check mark here.
The second question from the bottom:
既婚/未婚:Married/Single: 既婚 Married: 未婚 Single:
You are done with your registration.
Please make sure to click the right side which writes,
"規約に同意して登録する:.:." = "Agree and register".
Please do not click left side, which writes, "戻る"="return".
.:.: 戻る (Do not click this one) 規約に同意して登録する:.:. (click this one)
After clicking, "規約に同意して登録する:.:." = "Agree and register",
Typed information will appear on the window.
On the bottom, there will be the words on the right and left:
Left: 戻る:Return Right: 登録する:Register
Please click, 登録する:Register
The window will open writing:
tv asahi id登録が完了しました。
The registration at TV asahi id is successfully finished.
あなたのログイン名 「........」 です。
Your log in name is 「........」
After the registration is successfully finished, please click this URL.
Music Station: The Top 100 Songs In Japan:
The window will open with the below questions:
■ お客様情報(※印は必須入力です):
ニックネーム※ Nick Name:
Write your nick name here.
性別:Gender※ 男性:Male 女性:Female
Click your gender here.
■アーティスト名:Name of the artist:
Cut and Paste: "東方神起"; or write, "Tohoshinki"
(Note: TV Asahi most likely will not know the word TVXQ.)
■曲タイトル:Name of the song:
Cut and Paste "どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう”
If you have trouble with cut and paste,
please type in "Doshite Kimio Sukininate Shimattandaro"
■理由:Reason for your choice:
You can write your reason in English here.
If you wish to write something in Japanese, here are some examples.
とてもきれいな曲だから: The song is very beautiful.
5人の歌唱力が素晴らしいから: Five members singing abilities are amazing.
とても好きな曲だから: I just love this song.
名曲と言えばこの曲だと思うから: I believe that the best song is this song.
この曲以外の名曲が思い浮かばなかった:I could not think of any other good song but this one.
After filling out all these questions, please click 送信:Send button
What you had written will be displayed on the screen,
please click 送信:Send button again
ご応募ありがとうございました。:Thank you for your vote! will appear on the screen.
You have successfully finished voting for our TVXQ!
Let us look forward to Music Station Special aired on September 25th, 2009!!
Please share this info with as many friends as you have and all TVXQ fan blog you know.
Thank you~~~~~!!!
Source: Music Japan/TV asahi: +bonbon + diana
Translated by:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!
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