Saturday, April 18

SNSD-Yuri, Han Go Eun, became one of the Ambassadors of Bicycle,


On the 16th, Ministry of Public Administration and Security(MPAS) has delegated SNSD-Yuri, Han Go Eun, Park Eun Hae, Model Lee Yuri to be Ambassadors of Bicycle.

MPAS has delegated these 4 girls because they wanted to solve various of problems such as pollution, lost of enengy, problems in roads and attract those problems to the citizens.

Ambassadors of Bicycle will appear in world-wide event, "The 1st DaeHanMinGuk Bicycle Event" from 25th to May 3rd and will participate in various promoted events.

Han Go Eun said, shes really happy to be one of the Ambassadors of Bicycle and would really like to help the environment and willing to fully participate many events that relates to bicycle.

According to MPAS, these 4 ladies were chosen to be the Ambassadors of Bicycle because they have such a clean image to the fans and the society. So, therefore, they are grateful to have them to use bicycles and be part of the goal which is the green road.

MPAS expects more than 30,000 cyclists to be part of the event, "The 1st DanHanMinGuk Bicycle Event".

Translated by: FanyTae(John)

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