Blick, a Swiss Tabloid Magazine recently ran an article talking about North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il and his son Kim Jong Woon... so what's the big deal? Well, the big deal is that the tabloid put a photo of Super Junior's Yesung on the article! The pictures of Yesung show up on the bottom of the front cover and on the main headline of the article.
How could they make such an error? Most likely because Yesung's real name is also Kim Jong Woon, and doing a simple google image search, the same picture shows up on the second page when searching for Kim Jong Woon. Even so, they should put much more effort into research and get the information / picture correct. Some ELF in Korea are upset with this, saying that people are going to think Yesung is related to Kim Jong Il and now they're demanding an apology. It's pretty bad but if you think about it, not many people know about Blick anyways.
Super Junior on Music Core (credit: pr13ansj)
1 comment:
ooooomo.. hehehehehe
this is d-FUNNY .lolll
they shouLD get their factS straight..
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